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With the new moon and solar eclipse in Pisces among us March 8th, it is the perfect time to perform a quartz crystal singing bowl cleanse.

This past weekend I held two beautiful group Sound Bath Meditations and debuted a sparkly, new quartz crystal singing bowl. I placed the new singing bowl amongst my original set. My older singing bowls’ brilliance seemed muted in comparison, there were smudges on the outside and the older bowls sounded dense and heavy. I could tell it was time for a thorough quartz crystal singing bowl cleanse.

If you own or are looking to own quartz crystal singing bowls, routinely cleaning them is a must, as it helps to keep them looking clean and sparkly, but most importantly rids the singing bowl of stored energy absorbed from people who have used its soothing sounds for healing and transformation. Looking to purchase a singing bowl? Check out my shop!

Best Time To Clean Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls

I absolutely LOVE using the power of moonlight to clean my quartz crystal singing bowls. Using the energy of a full moon or new moon and the power of intention, coupled with a simple, light-hearted ritual, can clear out stuck energetic vibrations to amplify the pure quartz crystal singing bowls' resonance.

What You'll Need

// Two (2) Jars of Water - I use Carlsbad Alkaline Water, but any purified water is o.k.

// Fresh Cut Flowers of your choosing

Five Easy Steps to Clean Your Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls

First, add 1/4 tbsp. of organic soap to 6 cups of water in a jar and pour mixture inside your quartz crystal singing bowl.

Then, dip your scrubber brush into the water soap mixture and gently scrub the rim of the bowl as well as the outside. I focus my cleaning on blemishes or blotches of dirt on the outside of the singing bowl. Next, pour the water and soap mixture out and rinse the singing bowl with clean water from the second jar. Leave any remaining clean water from the second jar inside the singing bowl.

Third, cut the tops off flowers of your choosing and float them on top of the clean water inside each quartz crystal singing bowl.

Next, set the singing bowls outside, under the stars, as close to the earth as possible. I place mine on my backyard patio as its low to the ground, being mindful not to get the singing bowls dirty again. Feel free to set out any crystals you may own, to cleanse alongside the singing bowls in the moonlight.

Lastly, I sing a mantra over my singing bowls and then leave them outside overnight. If you are not the singing type, smudging with palo santo or sage is a nice alternative or just simply send your bowls some loving vibes before leaving them outside.

// mantra - Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu

\\ translation - May ALL beings be happy and free from suffering!

In the morning, I wake up at sunrise to water my backyard succulents and trees with the remaining clean, flower infused water from inside the singing bowls. I arrange the flower tops around my backyard and dry the inside of the singing bowls with a soft white cloth before bringing them back inside.

Have another way to clean crystal singing bowls? I'd love to hear from you! Please do share :-)

peace & light,


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Hiyee, i'm Jazmine Amelia. This blog is where I share inspiration, advice, reflections, and resources for discovering your authentic Self though self compassion and self care.

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